Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Mark Fenn - Summer Project - Self Brief

I will ask people to send me an envelope or package with an image, shape, object or any thing else they can think of. Once I receive the envelope I will assign a number to it and keep it sealed. Once I have over say 30 envelopes I will then ask senders to send me by post or e-mail 3 numbers from from 1 - 30 only when I have receive the 3 number back will I then open the envelopes.

I will use the 3 items contain within the envelopes as the starting point with which to design a piece of jewellery or silverware. I will use the 3 items as inspiration.

This project will help me explore and investigate the design process that is lead from the random and unexpected starting point. I hope this project will continue after the summer and into my third year as a part of my self directed study.

If you wish to take part in this project please e-mail me at

for my address

Thank you

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