Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Summer Project update - No 4

Wow I got another 6 packages/Envelopes today..so the total I now have is 24....so I will until the next one turns up........I know one is on its way as received e-mail this morning. When it does the next step will then start. It the part I've can wait to do..is to ask for the numbers. Below is the little spread sheet my friend John sent me to help with the working out of the number of possible combination..so let the fun begin

How many combinations of selections are there of k objects from n objects?
n (Total number of envelopes) 25 <- Change this
k (Number of envelopes selected 3 <- Change this
Possible number of combinations 2300 <- Answer here
(With n = 49 & k = 6, this is the odds of winning the lottery - about 14 million to 1)

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